Overview of Dr.Shashikala.G.M
Department: | Pharmacology |
Full Name: | Dr.Shashikala.G.M |
Designation: | Professor & HoD |
Degree & Additional Qualifications: | M.B.B.S. and M.D. |
Working at JJMMC Since: | NA |
Years of Experience Post PG : | 26 Years |
List of Publications: | 1. Evaluation of Antidepressant Activity of aqueous extract of roots of ACORUS CALAMUS in albino mice. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2015, Volume 4, Issue 10: page 1357-65. 2. Evaluation of Antidepressant activity of Tapentadol in swiss albino mice. Asian journalof Pharmaceuticaland Clinical research.2017,Vol 10,Issue8,103-107. 3. Drug Utilization study in Intensive cardiac care unit of a Tertiary care HospitalInternational journal of Pharma Research and Health sciences. 2015, vol 3; issue 5 page 824-830. 4. Evaluation of the Effects of Silymarin on Behavioral Models of depression in Albino Mice.International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Phytopharmacological Research. 2015. 5. Efficacy and safety of 1% Terbinafine hydrochloride versus 2% Sertaconazole cream in treatment of Tinea corporis.Int J Basic ClinPharmacol 2015; vol 4(3):474-78. 6. Dr. Imran Maniyar, Dr. NarendranathSanji, Dr. Shashikala GH, Dr. Manjunath H1, Dr. Prashanth D , Dr. Rahul HD TRENDS OF ANTIBIOTIC PRESCRIBING IN DENTISTRY. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2015,Volume 4, Issue 10, 1148-1155. 7. Deepa halemani,GeethaM,ShashikalaGH.Evaluation of anti anxiety activity of methanol extract of aegelmarmelos(bael fruit tree)leaves in rats. IOSR Journal of dental and medical sciences.2015;Vol 14(9): 01-05. 8. Dr.Jyothi.C.H, Dr.Shashikala G, Dr.VidyaH.K, Dr.shashikala.G.H, Evaluation of Effect of Alcoholic extract of TinosporaCordifolia on learning and memory in Alprazolam induced amnesia in albino mice. International Journal of Basic and clinical pharmacology, 2016 Vol-5: issue-5, page2159 - 63 9. Drug Utilization study in Intensive cardiac care unit of a Tertiary care HospitalInternational journal of Pharma Research and Health sciences. 2015, vol 3; issue 5 page 824-830 10. Comparison of bleeding time changes in essential hypertension patients on losartan or amlodipine: a prospective observational study. Int J Basic ClinPharmacol 2016;5:1555-8. 11. Dr.Santhosh Kumar, Dr. Shashikala Evaluation of knowledge, awareness and practice oh pharmacovigilance among practising doctors Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical research September 2016, Vol 9,suppl 3,2016,pg 1-4 12. 12. A comparative study of the antidepressant effect of ondensetron and granisetron in Swiss albino mice . Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol.2017;vol 6(12): 13. 13. Evaluation of Antidepressant activity of Tapentadol in swiss albino mice. Asian journalofPharmaceuticaland Clinical research.2017,Vol 10,Issue8,103-107. |