The birth of Bapuji Educational Association in 1958 was a milestone in the history of Davangere. Today there are more than forty six educational institutions right from Primary & Secondary education to Medical, Dental, Engineering, Nursing, M.B.A, M.C.A, Law, Pharmacy, Arts, Science, Commerce etc. These institutions not only cater to the educational needs of the students of Davangere district but also the students of other districts, states and abroad. The growth of educational institutions through Bapuji Association has earned Davangere the name “The Oxford of Karnataka”. Bapuji Educational Association was established by a group of Philanthropic personalities of Davangere whose main concern was the upliftment of education in and around Davangere. Many eminent families and donors along with Sri Dr. Shamanur Shivashankarappaji, the present Hon. Secretary of Bapuji Educational Association have significantly contributed to this cause.