Department of Ophthalmology

The Department of Ophthalmology has grown to be an integral part of the prestigious institute over many decades. Faculty members have updated their skills in different subspecialties, as a part of the institute’s skill enhancement strategies. Subspecialty Clinics have been initiated in Cornea, Glaucoma, Vitreoretinal Surgery, Orbit & Oculoplasty, Phacoemulsification and Squint.
Regular base hospital eye camp surgeries are conducted reaching out to the rural population and economically weaker sections of the society. The Department utilizes clinical facilities of two large teaching hospitals in the city, namely Chigateri General Hospital and Bapuji Hospital. Academic excellence is pursued by conducting guest lectures, CMEs, and Conferences on a regular basis. Research work has become essential part of the work in the department. As of know there are 3 research projects underway. Undergraduate teaching is facilitated by didactic lectures, interactive tutorials, case discussions, CCTV viewing of live surgeries etc. Our postgraduate and undergraduate students have made us proud by winning several prizes in conferences and securing University-level ranks.

Watch our video - Ophthalmology's HoD Speaks
Meet our Specialist
University Rank Holders: Post Graduates Students
Name | Year | Course | RGUHS Rank |
Dr.Vijayalaxmi.S.Kori | 2012-13 | DOMS | Gold Medal |
Dr.Farhat Fatima | 2012-13 | MS | Gold Medal |
Dr.Savitri.P. | 2014-15 | DOMS | 8th Rank |
Dr.Sunitha.M.N.Gowda | 2014-15 | MS | 5th Rank |
Dr.Shwetha Kudtarkar | 20145-15 | MS | 6th Rank |
Dr.Nalinirani.N.V.L. | 2015-16 | DOMS | 6th Rank |
Dr.Shruthi.P.Choudari | 2017-18 | MS | 3rd Rank |
Awards Won by our students:
CME Programmes conducted by our department
A State-level CME programme was conducted on 28/10/18 in association with Karnataka Ophthalmic Society and Davangere Ophthalmic Association. The CME organised in the Library auditorium was titled Glaucoma Management: Simplified.
The CME was inaugurated by our Honourable Chairman, Dr. Shamanur Shivashankarappa who also addressed the audience.
The eminent speakers who participated in the CME were :
Various aspects of Glaucoma management like errors in diagnosis and treatment, medical and surgical management of glaucoma, detection of glaucoma progression and newer advances in the field of glaucoma was discussed by the speakers. The speakers also interacted with the delegates during the panel discussion. The CME was attended by more than 100 delegates.
A state-level CME was organised in association with SSIMS & R C, Davangere and Davangere Ophthalmic Association on 18-8-2019 titled “Clearing the Blur in Diabetic Retinopathy“. Eminent Vitreoretina specialists from all over Karnataka spoke on various aspects of Diabetic Retinopathy detection and management. The CME was attended by more than 100 delegates.