Overview of Dr.H.R.Chandrashekar
Department: | Pathology |
Full Name: | Dr.H.R.Chandrashekar |
Designation: | Professor |
Degree & Additional Qualifications: | NA |
Academic Achievements: | NA |
Years of Experience: | 48 Years |
List of Publications: | 1. Soumya BM, H R Chandrasekhar,Vardendra Kulkarni”Primary mesenteric fibromatosis; Report of a sporadic case” IJPO.2017;4(1):147-149 2. Savithdevi GS, Chandrasekhar HR, Hiremath SS, Patil SB, Jyothiprakash BG, Doddikoppad MM. “ Polycystic kidney disease in neonate with acrorenal mandibular syndrome”. Clinical dysmorphology 2014; 23: 133-137 3. Goneppanavar M, Chandrashekar HR, Raghuveer CV. “Histopathology of Intervertebral Disc Material in Prolapsed Disc Cases: A Longitudinal Prospective Study” Journal of Research in Medical Education & Ethics, 2012: 2(1); 50-55 4. Deepti P, Hiremath SS, Chandrashekhar HR, Shashikala P, Anitha MR, Vijayanath V. “Histomorphological Study of Malignant Tumours of Liver” Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2012: 3(3); 51- 55 Ramaswamy AS, Chatura KR, Chandrasekhar HR. “Metastatic or metachronous adamantinoma: An Enigma” International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research, 2012: 2;132-135 6. Manjunath HK, Kishanprasad HL, Rangaswamy AS, Aravind P, Prakash HM, Jyothi BL, Shashikala P, H.R.Chandrasekhar. Study of histomorphological changes in placenta in pregnancy induced Hypertension, Int J Cur Sci Res 2012;2(1): 255-258 7. Jyothi BL, Prakash HM, Chatura KR, Chandrasekhar HR “cytohistological correlation of grading in breast carcinoma; Diagnostic cytopathology” 2011:39: 251-257. 8. Calcification of ulnar nerve in a patient with tuberculoid leprosy. Ind.J.L; 1989: 61: 1:107-110. Madhava Murthy, H.R.Chandrashekhar, et al., 9. Naevus lipomatosis cutaneous superficialis. IJDVL. Vol 48:5:82. K.Siddappa, H.R.Chandrashekhar, et al. 10. Efficacy of topical thepapies in Alopecia Areata. K.H.Basavaraj, K.Siddappa,P.Madhava Murthy and H.R.Chandrashekhar. Ind.J.Dermatol.Venereol.leprol. 11. Carcinomatous meningitis- complicating ovarian malignancy. A Case reportL.Krishna Murthy, H.R.Chandrashekhar, S.S.Hiremath, JAPI.Oct-Nov 1991. 12.Subcutaneous angio lymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia. (Kimura`s Disease) A case report. H.R.Chandrashekhar, Prakash Kumar, P.Shashikala, B. Pradeep, G.Chandrashekhar. Indian J Dermatol,Venereol, & Leprol 1992:58:125-127. 13. Cutaneous Amebiasis masquerading as epithelioma H.R.Chandrashekhar,P. Shashikala, Prakash Kumar, P.K.Basavaraj. Indian J Dermatol,Venereol, & Leprol 1993:59:254-255. 14. Basic Dermatopathology- A Chapter contributed by Dr. H.R.Chandrashekhar, In text book of dermatology published by IADVL editor Valia.1995. 15. Coagulation profile in pregnancy induced hypertension(PIH) Thomas Antony, Hanagawadi Suresh, Satyanarayana Kadam, Shashikala.P. Chandrashekhar.H.R. Ind.J.Hemat and Blood transf 1998: 16(1): 7-11. 16. Subcutaneous Phycomycosis. H.R.Chandrashekhar, P.Shashikala, Rekha Harvi, Satyanarayana Rao Kadam. Ind J Dermatol venereal & leprol 1998:64:89-90. 17. Osteopetrosis presenting as Leucoerythroblastic Anaemia. Prakash Kumar, P.Shashikala, H.R.Chandrashekhar, B.Basavaraj and Ajay Shesh.Ind. J. Hemat & Blood transf 1998:16(2):58-59. 18. Minimally invasive hyalinizing trabecular carcinoma- short communication.Prakash Kumar, K.R.Chatura, H.R.Chandrashekhar. Indian J.Pathol.Microbiol 2000:43(1):99-100. 19. Giant molluscum contagiosum in an infant. Prakash Kumar, K.R.Chatura, V.Jagannath Kumar, Rekha M. Haravi, H.R.Chandrashekhar Indian J Dermatol,Venereol, & Leprol 1999:65:290-291. 20. Chediak- Higashi Syndrome. Prakash Kumar, Kadam Satyanarayana Rao, P.Shashikala, H.R.Chandrashekhar and C.R.Banapurmath. Indian J Of Paediatrics 2000:67(8):595-597. 21. Aquired immunodeficiency syndrome presenting as testicular tuberculosis.Prakash Kumar, P. Shashikala, H.R.Chandrashekhar, N.K.Alva.JAPI 2000:48(11):1111-1112. 22. Proliferating Trichilemmal cyst, Mimicking squamous cell carcinoma: Prakash Kumar, K.R.Chatura, Rekha.M.Haravi, H.R.Chandrashekhar, 23. Primary cutaneous mucin producing squamous cell carcinoma. Prakash Kumar, K.R.Chatura, T.A.Venkatesh, H.R.Chandrashekhar, Indian J Dermatol,Venereol, & Leprol 2000:67):152-153 24. Bronchioalveolar carcinoma Mimicking Miliary Tuberculosis. H.R.Chandrashekhar, P.Shashikala, B.Niranjanamurth B.Vidyasagar. H.L.Subba Rao: JAPI:49:2001 p281-282. |