Overview of Dr.K.P.Basavaraju
Department: | E.N.T |
Full Name: | Dr.K.P.Basavaraju |
Designation: | Professor & HOD |
Degree & Additional Qualifications: | M.B.B.S. | M.S.ENT | DLO |
Academic Achievements: | NA |
Years of Experience: | 37 Years |
List of Publications: | 1. Septoplasty with Adenoidectomy: A combined procedure for NasalObstruction in children.Asian - Journal of Ear Nose and Throat -July to September – 2013 2. Frontal Pyocele - A case Report National Journal of Otolaryngology & Head & Neck Surgery - Vol. 3 (12) No.2 - August -2015 3. A rare case of “ Rosai - Dorfman Diseases”.Indian Journal Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery. 4. Artorio - Venous malformation at pre – Auricular region.National Journal of Otolarngology & Head & Neck Surgery. Vol.1, (10) No.2, August – 2013. 5. Hodgkin’s Lymphoma of the maxillary sinus – A rare occurance.Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. Vol. 2 / Issue 34 / August – 2013. |