Overview of Dr.Nirmala.D
Department: | Anatomy |
Full Name: | Dr.Nirmala.D |
Designation: | Professor & HoD |
Degree & Additional Qualifications: | M.B.B.S. and M.D. |
Roles & Responsibilities: | Head of the Department, member of MEU and resource person in Revised Basic Course Workshop. |
Years of Experience: | 16 Years |
List of Publications: | 1) Study of variations in muscular branches of Radial nerve in axilla and posterior compartment of arm. Dr.Raghavendra.D.R. Dr.Nirmala.D. Dr.G.F.Mavishettar. International Journal of Anatomy & Research, Vol.7(1.2):2019:6220-24. 2) Study of variations in the course of Radial nerve in axilla and posterior compartment of arm Dr.Raghavendra.D.R. Dr.Nirmala.D. Dr.G.F.Mavishettar. International Journal of Anatomy & Research, Vol.6(4.1):2018:5792-96. 3) Occipital Condyles interconnected by a bony bar- Case report. Dr.Nirmala.D., Dr.Hema.N. National Journal of Clinical Anatomy Vol 5(4): 2016: 231-233 4) Study of torsion angle of the Humerus in Karnataka based population. Dr.Raghavendra.D.R. Dr.Nirmala.D. Dr.G.F.Mavishettar. Anatomica Karnataka – an International Journal: Vol.8(3);2014: 30-37. 5) Study of Morphological & morphometric features of acetabulum of hip bone. Dr.Supriya.J., Dr.Nirmala.D. Dr.G.F.Mavishettar Anatomica Karnataka – an International Journal, Vol.8(3):2014:23-29: 6) Multiple Ossified costal cartilages for Ist rib. Dr.Raghavendra.D.R. Dr.Nirmala. D. International Journal of Anatomy & Research, Vol.2(4);2014; 744-47; 7) Left common carotid artery arising from Brachio cephalic trunk. Dr.Supriya.J. Dr.Nirmala.D. Dr.G.F.Mavishettar. International Journal of Anatomy & Research, Vol.2(3):2014:485-88; 8) Variant course of right vertebral artery -a case report Dr.Nirmala.D., Dr.Anjali Gupta. National Journal of Clinical Anatomy Vol.3(4):Oct.2014: 237-39; Study of Emissary sphenoidal foramen and its clinical implications. Dr.Nirmala.D., Dr.Hema.N. Journal of Evidenced based Medicine and Health Care,Vol.1,Issue 4, June 2014. Page-175-179. 10) Loop formation of Cervical segment of Internal Carotid Artery – A Case Report. Nirmala.D, Sharieff.J.H. National Journal of Basic Medical Sceiences. Vol.3, Issue 3(Jan.-March 2013) 240-242. |